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Councillor Peter Clee

Councillor Peter Clee

Board Director – Regional and Shire

Wagait Shire Council

Peter Clee has served as a member in Local Government as a Councillor and as  President and Vice President for 26 years. 

During Mr Clee’s time on council, he’s served on several committees and groups  including the Emergency Management Committee, NT Emergency Committee, and the  local bush fire brigade. He has previously represented council on the Local Government  Association Executive Committee and the Local Government Disciplinary Committee.  He was a member and chair of Top End Shire Steering Committee at the time of the  2007 local government reforms.  

Peter was a member of the Charles Darwin University Council. He also holds positions  as Director and Secretary on several private and public companies. 

Peter has studied both Business and Information Technology at Charles Darwin  University. He has worked in banking and law and is currently working in information  technology which has taken him to all parts of the NT. He has also been involved in  several NT remote and regional business ventures.